› 来自数字资源库 - 洞窟
建于西夏统治瓜州晚期。窟内纷呈汉、藏民族及显宗、密宗的内容和艺术,是这一时期艺术最成熟、最典型的洞窟,独具特色。窟呈长方形,穹窿顶。窟中央偏后设八角形三级曼荼罗(坛城),上存清塑数身。窟四壁下部清代环砌双层台基,上存清塑十八罗汉像。顶绘曼荼罗,中画五方佛,东壁中央绘佛传,南北侧分绘汉密五十一面千手千眼观音曼荼罗、胎藏界曼荼罗及显宗天请问经变。南壁东起画曼荼罗、观无量寿经变、曼荼罗各一铺。北壁东起画曼荼罗、净土变、曼荼罗各一铺。西壁门上方绘维摩变,门南北侧绘普贤变、文殊变。甬道南北壁绘供养人。 › 来自数字资源库 - 洞窟
该窟建于元代,小型殿堂窟。主室覆斗顶,藻井中心浮塑四龙(中心残毁),四披画联泉纹图案(东披残,南、北披模糊);西壁盝顶帐形龛内清修八臂观音菩萨;南壁正中绘十一面千手千眼观音立像。两上角飞天各一身,东侧绘帝释天,下趺坐梵天女。西侧梵天女,下婆罗门;北壁正中绘十一面千手千眼观音立像。东侧婆娑仙,下三头六壁金刚、猪头毗那夜迦。西侧吉祥天,下三头八臂金刚、象头毗那夜迦。两上角飞天各一身;东壁门上画趺坐佛五身,门北画散财观音一铺(七宝施贫儿),门南画净瓶观音一铺(甘露施饿鬼);无甬道,无前室。 › 来自数字资源库 - 壁画
上存男供养人四身。下存元代男供养人五身。 › 来自数字资源库 - 壁画
中间画佛传一铺。南侧画五十一面千手观音一铺,北侧画十一面千手观音一铺。汉密五十一面观音立像,头顶五十一头像累叠如塔,千手自观音背后伸出,如圆光辐射,每手有一眼,手上分托锻铁、酿酒、踏碓、耕作、舟船、寺塔、乐器及龙、麒麟等事物共四十余种,为敦煌石窟中所仅有。 › 来自数字资源库 - 壁画
东起画曼荼罗、观无量寿经变、曼荼罗各一铺。 › 来自数字资源库 - 壁画
门上残存维摩诘变一铺,门南画普贤变一铺,门北画文殊变一铺。 › 来自数字资源库 - 壁画
东起画曼荼罗、净土变、曼荼罗各一铺。北壁曼荼罗中的供养菩萨像丰乳细腰,头戴花冠,颈饰花环,一手举攀树枝,在蓝色光环中扭腰投足,婆娑起舞,人物造型及绘画表现手法,颇有尼泊尔及印度艺术之风,亦为敦煌石窟中所仅见。 › 来自数字资源库 - 壁画 › 来自数字资源库 - 壁画 › 来自数字资源库 - 壁画
Mogao Grottoes Cave 003
Constructed in the Yuan dynasty (A.D.1279-1368), this is a small hall cave with a truncated pyramidal ceiling whose center in bas relief is a design of four painted dragons (the central part is damaged) . The four slopes are covered with connected fountain patterns (those on the east slope are partially lost and those on the north and south slopes are blurred); and the west niche contains an eight-armed Avalokitesvara of the Qing dynasty. In the center of the south wall is a standing eleven-headed thousand-armed and thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara. Each of the upper corners is filled with an apsara. The east side of the central Avalokitesvara has an image of Indra above a seated deva and the opposite west side has a seated deva above Brahma. In the center of the north wall is a standing eleven-headed thousand-armed and thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara. The east side of the central image depicts Vasistha above the images of a three-headed and six-armed guarding warrior and pig-headed Vinayaka, and the opposite west side show Lakşmī above a three-headed eight-armed guarding warrior and Elephant-headed Vinayaka. Each of the upper corner is filled with an apsara. The space above the entrance displays five seated Buddhas. On the north side of the entrance wall is a scene of Avalokitesvara offering treasures to the poor, and on the south side of the entrance is a scene of Avalokitesvara with a bottle in hand giving water to the hungry ghosts. There is no corridor and front-chamber.